
Oral care is an essential component of health throughout life. 拉莫耶健康家庭牙科诊所 provides superior dental care in a stress-free environment.

With fewer employers offering a dental care benefit and Medicare not covering dental care at all, our goal is to meet the growing challenge of making comprehensive, affordable dental care available to everyone in our community.






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也被称为固定部分义齿, a bridge replaces a missing tooth or teeth by literally bridging the gap between the remaining teeth. 桥是金子做的, 瓷器或两者的结合, and it is bonded to remaining teeth (or implants) for support. Therefore, unlike removable dentures, bridges can only be removed by a dentist.


CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser technology replaces the need for incisions by cauterizing the soft tissue, 所以几乎不会出血. Lasers allow for a much cleaner procedure and can eliminate the need for sutures. Healing time is faster and there is less post-operative pain.

当牙齿因蛀牙而变弱时, 夜间磨牙习惯(磨牙症), 或者其他方式, it is sometimes necessary to cover the tooth to strengthen it and restore it to its normal shape and size. 王冠可以用金子做, 瓷, 或者两者的结合, and it completely surrounds the tooth to protect it from breaking or to restore a tooth that already has broken. Since a crown covers the top of your tooth, it is sometimes referred to as a “cap.”


A comprehensive evaluation of your teeth and the surrounding tissues is conducted to help determine what dental procedures will be of the most benefit to you. 以帮助确保一个彻底的评估, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment such as digital radiographs (x-rays) and LED technology.


当所有的牙齿都掉光的时候, 底, 或者上下都有, a removable complete denture is used to restore function and esthetics to your mouth. We work hard to establish an intimate fit between the denture and your mouth. However, no denture is ever as effective as natural, healthy teeth. A popular alternative to traditional dentures is something called an overdenture, which uses dental implants to help stabilize the denture.


有几种不同类型的假牙. 桥梁 are a type of denture that are bonded to the teeth and cannot be removed. However, when most people talk about dentures, they are referring to removable dentures. These can be either removable partial dentures (replacing some but not all teeth on the top and/or 底) or complete dentures (replacing all of the teeth either on top, 底, 或者上下都有).


Sometimes teeth reach a point where they are causing problems and can no longer be saved. 其他时间, your dentist may notice a non-functional tooth that he or she anticipates will cause problems in the future, such as an impacted tooth (a tooth trapped beneath your gums). 在任何情况下, the tooth must be removed by a dentist to establish a healthy environment in your mouth, 无感染, 炎症, 和痛苦.


A dental filling is used to repair worn or damaged teeth and cavities. 牙科 fillings are generally either tooth colored (composite) or silver colored (amalgam). 这两种选择都有一定的优点和缺点, 我们可以帮你决定哪一个最适合你.


These include any procedure performed by your hygienist. 根据你的需要, these may include a prophylactic cleaning (basic teeth cleaning), 洗牙及牙根规划(深层清洁牙齿), 氟化处理, 密封剂, 或x射线.


也称为牙髓治疗, a root canal is performed when the nerve inside of your tooth becomes inflamed or dies. It is usually the result of trauma (an injury) to the tooth or a large cavity, and the tooth may or may not show symptoms such as pain and/or swelling. Root canals are generally performed in one or two appointments, and they allow us to save your tooth rather than having it extracted. Our dentists utilize the latest technology to perform this procedure as comfortably, 有效地, 越快越好. 根管治疗后, 你可能还需要一个牙冠来帮助加固牙齿, 我们会事先和你讨论的.


美白牙齿的方法有很多. 在拉莫维尔健康牙科诊所, we make custom trays to fit your teeth. This means that the whitening product we use is held directly against your teeth and does not leak onto your gums or other areas of your mouth. The result is whiter teeth and less sensitivity or irritation. Studies have also shown that the products we use to whiten your teeth can help fight cavities and may help your composite (tooth colored) fillings last longer.


贴面板 are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of a tooth. They are a minimally invasive way to fix teeth that are unsightly due to stains, 差距, 裂缝或其他因素.


也被称为x光片, x射线 allow us to see parts of your teeth that are otherwise not visible during an exam, 比如牙齿之间和牙龈下面. x射线 also allow us to look inside your teeth to make sure that everything is healthy. 在拉莫维尔健康牙科诊所, 我们只用数码x光片, 给我们的病人带来很大的好处, 同时也减少了环境浪费.